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Bouton, M. E., Thrailkill, E. A., Trask, S., & Alfaro, F. (in press). Correction of response error vs. stimulus error in the extinction of discriminated operant learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition.

Trask, S., Dulka, B. N., & Helmstetter, F. J. (2020). Age-related memory impairment is associated with increased zif268 protein accumulation and decreased Rpt6 phosphorylation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 5352.

Trask, S., Reis, D. S., Ferrara, N. C., & Helmstetter, F. J. (2020). Decreased cued fear discrimination learning in female rats as a function of estrous phase. Learning & Memory, 27, 254-257.

Trask, S., Shipman, M. L., Green, J. T., & Bouton, M. E. (2020). Some factors that restore goal-direction to habitual behavior. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 169, 107161.

Ferrara, N.C., Trask, S., Pullins, S.E., & Helmstetter, F.J. (2019). The dorsal hippocampus mediates synaptic destabilization and memory lability in the amygdala in the absence of contextual novelty. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 166, 107089.

Ferrara, N.C., Jarome, T.J., Cullen, P.K., Orsi, S.A., Kwapis, J.L., Trask, S., Pullins, S.E., & Helmstetter, F.J. (2019). GluR2 endocytosis-dependent protein degradation in the amygdala mediates memory updating, Scientific Reports, 9, 5180.

Trask, S. (2019). Cues associated with alternative reinforcement can attenuate resurgence of an extinguished free operant response, Learning & Behavior, 47, 66-79.

Thrailkill, E. A., Trask, S., Vidal, P., Alcalá, J. A., & Bouton, M. E. (2018). Stimulus control of actions and habits: A role for reinforcer predictability and attention in the development of habitual behavior, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 44, 370-384.

Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., Bouton, M. E., & Green, J. T. (2018). Inactivation of the pre- or infralimbic cortices differentially affects minimally and extensively trained actions, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 155, 164-172.

Trask, S., Keim, C. L., & Bouton, M. E. (2018). Factors that encourage generalization from extinction to test reduce resurgence of an extinguished operant response, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 110, 11-23.

Trask, S., & Bouton, M. E. (2018). Retrieval practice after multiple context changes, but not long retention intervals, reduces the impact of a final context change on instrumental behavior. Learning & Behavior, 46, 213-221.

Trask, S. (2017). Free operant. In J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Learning and Cognition, New York, NY: Springer.

Trask, S., Thrailkill, E. A., & Bouton, M. E. (2017). Occasion setting, inhibition, and the contextual control of extinction in Pavlovian and instrumental (operant) learning. Behavioural Processes, 137, 64-72.

Trask, S., Shipman, M. L., Green, J. T., & Bouton, M. E. (2017). Inactivation of the Prelimbic Cortex Attenuates Context-Dependent Operant Responding Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 2317-2324.

Trask, S., & Bouton, M. E. (2016). Discriminative properties of the reinforcer can be used to attenuate the renewal of extinguished operant behavior. Learning & Behavior, 44, 151–161.

Bouton, M. E., & Trask, S. (2016). Role of the discriminative properties of the reinforcer in resurgence. Learning & Behavior, 44, 137–150.

Bouton, M. E., Trask, S., & Carranza-Jasso, R. (2016). Learning to inhibit the response during instrumental (operant) extinction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 42, 246–258.

Trask, S., Schepers, S. T., & Bouton, M. E. (2015). Context change explains resurgence after the extinction of operant behavior. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 41, 187–210.

Trask, S., & Bouton, M. E. (2014). Contextual control of operant behavior: evidence for hierarchical associations in instrumental learning. Learning & Behavior, 42, 281–288.

Paper Presentations


Age-related memory impairment is associated with increased zif268 protein accumulation and decreased Rpt6 phosphorylation. Sydney Trask, Brooke N. Dulka, and Fred J. Helmstetter. Presented at the Brain Science Institute Neuroscience Research Day at The Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in July, 2020 (North Chicago, IL).

Age-related changes in immediate early gene (zif268) expression in the trace fear circuit. Sydney Trask and Fred J. Helmstetter. Invited Presentation for the American Aging Association Virtual Meeting in June, 2020.

Distinct roles of the anterior and posterior retrosplenial cortices in encoding, but not retrieval, of aversive memory. Sydney Trask and Fred J. Helmstetter. Accepted for presentation at the annual meeting for the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society in June, 2020 (Glasgow, Scotland). Cancelled due to COVID19.

The dissociable roles of the anterior and posterior retrosplenial cortices in encoding and retrieval of fear memory. Sydney Trask. Invited Presentation for the Innovation Sciences Seminar at The Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in May, 2020 (North Chicago, IL).

Distinct roles of the anterior and posterior retrosplenial cortices in encoding, but not retrieval, of aversive memory. Sydney Trask and Fred J. Helmstetter. Invited Presentation. To be presented at the Neuroscience Seminar Series at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in April, 2020 (Milwaukee, WI). Cancelled due to COVID19.

Distinct roles of the anterior and posterior retrosplenial cortices in encoding, but not retrieval, of aversive memory. Sydney Trask and Fred J. Helmstetter. Accepted for presentation at the annual meeting for the Eastern Psychological Association in March, 2020 (Boston, MA). Cancelled due to COVID19.

Sex differences in protein degradation processes within the basolateral amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex. Brooke N. Dulka, Sydney Trask, and Fred J. Helmstetter. Presented at the annual Neuroscience Symposium in March, 2020 (Milwaukee, WI).


The role of the retrosplenial subregions in trace fear recall. Sydney Trask and Fred J. Helmstetter. Presented at the annual Neuroscience Symposium in March, 2019 (Milwaukee, WI).

Role of response error versus expectation error in instrumental extinction. Mark E. Bouton, Eric A. Thrailkill, Sydney Trask, and Felipe Alfaro. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2019 (New York, NY).


Can discriminated operants become habits? Mark E. Bouton, José Alcala, Pedro Vidal, Sydney Trask, and Eric A. Thrailkill. Presented at the Gregynog Associative Learning Symposium in April, 2018 (Powys, Wales).

Factors that encourage generalization from extinction to test reduce resurgence of an extinguished operant response. Sydney Trask, Christopher L. Keim, & Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2018.


Association formation in operant behavior and prefrontal control of its expression. Sydney Trask. Invited presentation. Presented for the University of Maryland - Baltimore Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology in September, 2017 (Baltimore, MD).

Inactivation of the pre- or infralimbic cortices differentially affects minimally and extensively trained actions. Megan Shipman, Sydney Trask, Mark E. Bouton, & John T. Green. Presented at the Vermont Summer Summit in June, 2017 (Burlington, VT).

Retrieval cues associated with alternative reinforcement can attenuate resurgence of an extinguished instrumental response. Sydney Trask and Mark E. Bouton. Invited Presentation. Presented at the annual conference for the Association of Behavioral Analysis International in May, 2017 (Denver, CO).

Cues associated with alternative reinforcement can attenuate reinforcement resurgence of an extinguished instrumental response. Sydney Trask and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior in May, 2017 (Denver, CO).

Association formation in operant behavior and prefrontal control of its expression. Sydney Trask. Invited presentation. Presented for the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Department of Psychology in April, 2017 (Milwaukee, WI).

Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex affects an undertrained, but not overtrained, action. Megan L. Shipman, Sydney Trask, Mark E. Bouton, and John T. Green. Presented at the annual Dartmouth Neuroscience Symposium in April, 2017 (Hanover, NH).

Retrieval cues associated with alternative reinforcement can attenuate resurgence of an extinguished operant response. Sydney Trask and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2017 (Boston, MA).


Learning to inhibit the response during operant extinction. Mark E. Bouton, Sydney Trask, and Rodrigo Carranza-Jasso. Presented at the Gregynog Associative Learning Symposium in April, 2016 (Powys, Wales).

Transfer of operant responding to new contexts after training in multiple contexts. Sydney Trask and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2016 (New York, NY).

Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex attenuates context-dependent excitatory responding. Megan L. Shipman, Sydney Trask, John T. Green, and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2016 (Burlington, VT).

Learning to suppress behavior during operant extinction: Implications for cue-exposure therapy. Sydney Trask, Rodrigo Carranza-Jasso, and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2016 (Burlington, VT).


Reinforcers associated with extinction can attenuate free-operant renewal. Sydney Trask and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2015 (Philadelphia, PA).

Response inhibition during extinction in discriminated operant conditioning. Rodrigo Carranza-Jasso, Sydney Trask, and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2015 (Philadelphia, PA).

Reducing relapse by presenting a reinforcer associated with behavioral inhibition. Sydney Trask and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2015 (Burlington, VT).


Contextual control of instrumental actions and habits. Mark E. Bouton, Sydney Trask, and Eric A. Thrailkill. Presented at the Gregynog Associative Learning Symposium in April, 2014 (Powys, Wales).

Contextual control of operant behavior: Evidence for hierarchical associations in instrumental learning. Sydney Trask and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2014 (Boston, MA).


Mechanisms of contextual control of instrumental learning. Sydney Trask and Mark E. Bouton. Presented at the Vermont Summer Summit in June, 2013 (Burlington, VT).


Bidirectional effects of increasing histone acetylation on extinction learning. Sydney Trask, Patrick K. Cullen, David C. Riccio, and Aaron M. Jasnow. Presented at the TriState Plus Meeting in April, 2012 (Kent, OH).

Conference Abstracts


Trask, S., & Helmstetter, F.J. Unique roles for the anterior and posterior retrosplenial cortices in encoding and retrieval of memory for context. Presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in September, 2019 (Burlington, VT).

Dulka, B.N., Trask, S., & Helmstetter, F.J. Age-related sex differences in protein degradation processes within the basolateral amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex.Presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in September, 2019 (Burlington, VT).

Dulka, B.N., Trask, S., & Helmstetter, F.J. Age-related sex differences in activity-driven protein degradation processes within the basolateral amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex. Presented at the American Aging Association Virtual Meeting in June, 2020.

Broomer, M., Thrailkill, E.A., Trask, S., & Bouton, M.E. Returning habit back to goal-directed action with surprising reinforcers. Presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2020 (Burlington, VT).


Trask, S., Pullins, S.E., & Helmstetter, F.J. Distinct roles of the anterior and posterior retrosplenial cortices in encoding, but not retrieval, of trace fear memory. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in October, 2019 (Chicago, IL).

Dulka, B.N., Trask, S., & Helmstetter, F.J. The Effects of Aging on Memory and Activity-Driven Protein Degradation. Presented at the annual meeting of the Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society in October, 2019 (Chicago, IL).

Trask, S., Pullins, S.E., & Helmstetter, F.J. Distinct roles of the anterior and posterior retrosplenial cortices in encoding, but not retrieval, of trace fear memory. Presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in October, 2019 (Vancouver, BC, Canada).

Dulka, B.N., Trask, S., & Helmstetter, F.J. The Effects of Aging on Memory and Activity-Driven Protein Degradation. Presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in October, 2019 (Vancouver, BC, Canada).

Trask, S., Pullins, S.E., & Helmstetter, F.J. The role of the retrosplenial subregions in trace fear acquisition and recall. Presented at the annual Neuroscience Symposium in March, 2019 (Milwaukee, WI).


Ferrara, N.C., Cullen, P.K., Pullins, S.E., Trask, S., & Helmstetter, F.J. Inhibition of thalamic terminals in the amygdala may facilitate extinction learning. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in November, 2018 (San Diego, CA).

Ferrara, N.C., Trask, S., Pullins, S.E., Helmstetter, F.J. Contextual novelty encoded by the dorsal hippocampus regulates synaptic destabilization and memory lability in the amygdala. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in November, 2018 (San Diego, CA).

Trask, S., Ferrara, N.C., & Helmstetter, F.J. Optogenetic silencing of the thalamo-amygdala pathway, but not lateral amygdala, results in a long-term decrease in fear expression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in October, 2018 (Iowa City, IA).

Ferrara, N.C., Cullen, P.K., Pullins, S.E., Trask, S., & Helmstetter, F.J. Inhibition of thalamic terminals in the amygdala may facilitate extinction learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in October, 2018 (Iowa City, IA).

Trask, S., Keim, C. L., & Bouton, M. E. Factors that Encourage Generalization from Extinction to Test Reduce Resurgence of an Extinguished Operant Response. Poster presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2018 (Burlington, VT).

Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., Bouton, M. E., & Green, J. T. Inactivation of the prelimbic or infralimbic cortices differentially affects minimally and extensively trained actions. Poster presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2018 (Burlington, VT).

Thrailkill, E. A., Alcala, J., Vidal, P., Trask, S., & Bouton M. E. Can discriminated operants become habits? Poster presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2018 (Burlington, VT).


Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., Bouton, M. E., & Green, J. T. Inactivation of the prelimbic or infralimbic cortices differentially affects minimally and extensively trained actions. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in November, 2017 (Washington D.C.).

Trask, S., Keim, C. L., & Bouton, M. E. Factors that Encourage Generalization from Extinction to Test Reduce Resurgence of an Extinguished Operant Response. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in October, 2017 (Philadelphia, PA).

Thrailkill, E. A., Trask, S., & Bouton M. E. Can discriminated operants become habits? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in October, 2017 (Philadelphia, PA).

Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., Bouton, M. E., & Green, J. T. Inactivation of the prelimbic or infralimbic cortex respectively affects expression of minimally-trained and extensively-trained goal-directed actions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in October, 2017 (Philadelphia, PA).

Perry, M. K., Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., & Green, J. T. The role of the cerebellum in goal-directed behavior. Poster presented at the annual symposium for the Summer Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Fellowship in August, 2017 (Burlington, VT).

Trask, S., & Bouton, M. E. (2017). Cues associated with alternative reinforcement can attenuate reinforcement resurgence of an extinguished instrumental response. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior in May, 2017 (Denver, CO).

Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., Bouton, M. E., & Green, J. T. (2017). Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex affects an undertrained, but not overtrained, action. Poster presented at the annual University of Vermont Student Research Conference in April, 2017 (Burlington, VT).

Trask, S., & Bouton, M. E. (2017). Cues associated with alternative reinforcement can attenuate reinforcement resurgence of an extinguished instrumental response. Presented at the annual Dartmouth Neuroscience Symposium in April, 2017 (Hanover, NH). *Selected for 5-minute platform talk presentation.

Trask, S., & Bouton, M. E. (2017). Retrieval cues associated with alternative reinforcement can attenuate reinforcement resurgence of an extinguished instrumental response. Poster presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2017 (Burlington, VT).

Schoenberg, H. L., Seyller, E., Trask, S., Kirshenbaum, A. P., & Toufexis, D. J. (2017). Methamphetamine pre-exposure produces habitual responding to sucrose in female, but not male, rats. Poster presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2017 (Burlington, VT).

Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., Bouton, M. E., & Green, J. T. (2017). Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex attenuates responding of an undertrained by not overtrained action. Poster presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2017 (Burlington, VT).


Trask, S., & Bouton, M. E. (2016). Reducing the negative impact of context change on an operant response. Poster presented at the 4th annual Conference for the Vermont Center of Behavior and Health in October, 2016 (Burlington, VT).

Trask, S., & Bouton, M. E. (2016). Reducing the negative impact of context change on an operant response. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in October, 2016 (Jersey City, NJ).

Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., Bouton, M. E., & Green, J. T. (2016). Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex attenuates responding of an undertrained by not overtrained action. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in September, 2016 (Jersey City, NJ).

Schoenberg, H. L., Seyller, E., Trask, S., Kirshenbaum, A. P., & Toufexis, D. J. (2016). Methamphetamine pre-exposure produces habitual responding to sucrose in female, but not male, rats. Poster presented at the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology annual meeting in August, 2016 (Montreal, QC, Canada).

Dantzler, J. M., Shipman, M. L., Trask, S., Bouton, M. E., & Green, J. T. (2016). Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex attenuates a new action, but not an old action. Poster presented at the annual symposium for the Summer Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Fellowship in August, 2016 (Burlington, VT).

Trask, S., Shipman, M.L., Green, J.T., & Bouton, M.E. (2016). Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex attenuates context-dependent excitatory operant responding. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2016 (New York, NY).


Shipman, M.L., Trask, S., Green, J. T., & Bouton, M.E. (2015). Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex attenuates context-dependent excitatory operant responding. Poster presented at the 3rd annual Conference for the Vermont Center of Behavior and Health in October, 2015 (Burlington, VT).

Bouton, M.E., Trask, S., & Carranza-Jasso, R. (2015). Learning not to make the response during operant extinction. Poster presented at the 3rd annual Conference for the Vermont Center of Behavior and Health in October, 2015 (Burlington, VT).

Shipman, M.L., Trask, S., Green, J. T., & Bouton, M.E. (2015). Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex attenuates context-dependent excitatory operant responding. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in September, 2015 (Portland, OR).

Bouton, M.E., Trask, S., & Carranza-Jasso (2015). Learning not to make the response during operant extinction. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in September, 2015 (Portland, OR).


Carranza-Jasso, R., Trask, S., & Bouton, M.E. (2014). Tests for the acquisition of response inhibition during extinction of discriminated operant behavior. Poster presented at the annual Learning and Memory Meeting in October, 2014 (Mexico City, Mexico).

Trask, S., & Bouton, M.E. (2014). Discriminative role of alternative reinforcement in the inhibition of operant behavior. Poster presented at the 2nd annual Conference for the Vermont Center of Behavior and Health in October, 2014 (Burlington, VT).

Trask, S., & Bouton, M.E. (2014). Discriminative role of the reinforcer in the inhibition of operant behavior. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society in September, 2014 (Seattle, WA).

Trask, S., Schepers, S.T., & Bouton, M.E. (2014) Getting rid of resurgence: Implications for contingency management treatments. Poster presented at the annual conference for Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health in January, 2014 (Burlington, VT).


Schepers, S.T., Trask, S., & Bouton, M.E. (2013) Effects of imposing a negative contingency between the first behavior and Phase 2 reinforcement on resurgence after instrumental extinction. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference in March, 2013 (New York, NY).


Leppla, C.A., Trask, S., & Jasnow, A.M. (2012). Dopamine controls the precision of long-term fear memory. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in October, 2012 (New Orleans, LA).

Cullen, P.K., Trask, S., Dulka, B. N., Riccio, D.C., & Jasnow, A.M. (2012). The role of presynaptic inhibition in the generalization of context memory. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in October, 2012 (New Orleans, LA).

Cullen, P.K., Dulka, B.N., Trask, S., Riccio, D.C., & Jasnow, A.M. (2012). The loss of presynaptic GABAB1A receptors in increased rates of context fear generalization. Poster presented at the Pavlovian Society annual meeting in September, 2012 (Jersey City, NJ).

Trask, S., Leppla, C.A., Lynch, J.F. III, Cullen, P.K., & Riccio, D.C. (2012). Differences in extinction retention in rats after a short or long delay. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in April, 2012 (Kent, OH).

Leppla, C.A., Trask, S., & Jasnow, A.M. (2012). Dopamine modulates the precision of long term memory. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in April, 2012 (Kent, OH).

Lynch, J.F. III, Latsko, M., Leppla, C.A., Trask, S. & Riccio, D.C. (2012). Forgetting of stimulus attributes after adolescent exposure to nicotine and stress. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Graduate Research Symposium in April, 2012 (Kent, OH).

Meduri, J., Dulka, B., Leppla, C., & Trask, S. (2012). Social defeat produces long-term changes in social behavior and specific deficits in fear extinction. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Graduate Research Symposium in April, 2012 (Kent, OH).

Cullen, P.K., Trask, S., Leppla, C.A., Dulka, B.N. & Latsko, M. (2012). Bidirectional effects of increasing histone acetylation on extinction learning. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Graduate Research Symposium in April, 2012 (Kent, OH).


Trask, S., Cullen, P.K., Gos, K. K., Pickens, L., Fountain, S., & Riccio, D. C. (2011). Adolescent nicotine affects memory for stimulus attributes but not extinction. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association in May, 2011 (Chicago, IL).